Resource Inventory Mapping
GeoFocus is a national leader in the fields of wetland and riparian inventories, and is the leading producer of high resolution (i.e. Photo-based) wetland inventories in Canada, responsible for producing most of the prairie wetland inventories sponsored by Ducks Unlimited Canada, the nation’s leading wetland conservation organization. Land use and resource planners require timely, sufficiently detailed and complete land base information in order to develop meaningful and reliable plans. GeoFocus has extensive experience in softcopy interpretation and field inspections. Our photo interpreters certified under inventory programs in Alberta (GVI,PLVI & AVI). We also have state-of-the-art expertise in related geospatial technology including GIS, Lidar, photogrammetry, and digital mapping. GeoFocus air photo interpeters are certified in AVI, GVI, PLVI and CWI. We can help you assess your land base information needs and possibilities, acquire appropriate imagery and data, and convert that data into the type of inventory you require to meet your land and resource management needs of today.
We offer inventories in base features, urban and industrial infrastructure, topography, hydrography and wetlands, vegetation, habitats, ecosystem and Aboriginal traditional knowledge datasets – all of which are georeferenced to each other through a detailed elevation model. These data sets are then mined, classified and mapped at an appropriate resolution to produce resource information (graphics and attributes) suitable for operational, tactical and strategic level resource and land use planning.